2011 in south sudan in Chinese
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- sudan
- n. 苏丹〔非洲北部,撒哈拉 (Sahara) 沙漠南部、大西洋与红海间辽阔地区的总名称〕。 The S- 苏丹(国名)。 -ic 1. adj. 苏丹的;苏丹语的。 2. n. 苏丹人。
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What is the meaning of 2011 in south sudan in Chinese and how to say 2011 in south sudan in Chinese? 2011 in south sudan Chinese meaning, 2011 in south sudan的中文,2011 in south sudan的中文,2011 in south sudan的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.